Insight into daily pastimes of Srila Sridhar Maharaj from the eye-witness,...
15-22 Každodenní život Šrily Šrídhar Maharádže
Očitý svědek vypráví, jak Šrila Šrídhar Maharádž trávil své dny a také se dělí...
15-07 About Krishnamayi Devi Dasi
Sweet memories of the most beloved disciples of Srila Sridhar Dev Goswami,...
15-07 O Krišnamají Déví Dásí
Bhakti Nandan Swámí Maharádž se dělí o své vzpomínky na jednu z nejbližších...
15-11 Non-sectarian Concept of God
Many people do not want to hear anything about God, because they are affected...
15-39 Pure Love and Mundane Love
What is the difference between love limited by lust and eternal real love?...
15-40 Damodara Lila
How Sukadeva Goswami reveald to Pariksit Maharaj the truth behind the identity...
15-42 Free Will
How to make a conscious decision to turn our life from mundane things to the...
15-44 Association of the Sadhus
Do we need to first become good humans to be able to become good devotees? Why...
15-46 Yukta Vairagya – Importance of Ballanced Life
To keep ballance in our life is one of the direct instructions that Krishna...
15-47 Proper Desires
We have a tendency to satisfy all our desires. What kind of desires should be...
15-48 9 Levels of Spirituality
Which are the steps on the path of the spiritual advancement? How we should...
15-44 Jak přijmout společnost Sádhua?
Potřebujeme se napřed stát dobrými lidmi předtím, než se staneme dobrými...
15-56 Guru Purnima – Glorification of Srila Vyasadeva and Srila Sanatana Goswami
Auspicious katha on the great day of Srila Vyasadeva´s appearance and Srila...
15-60 Krishna´s Lotus Feet
Why are Krishna´s lotus feet so special and why are all devotees so much...
15-58 When We See the Vaishnavas As Not Perfect…
What instructions are the holy scriptures and acharyas giving us regarding...
15-57 When Sri Guru Leaves This World…
How was it like when Srila Sridhar Maharaja left this planet? Class from...
15-42 Svobodná vůle
Jak vědomě odvrátit náš život od světských věcí a nastartovat skutečný...
15-55 Disappearance of Ragunandan Thakur and Vamsidas Babaji
Departure of a saint from this world is both sad and happy event and also it...
15-54 Spiritual Health, About Ganges, Are Dreams Real?
How is our physical, mental and spiritual health connected? How did Mother...