What should be the mood of listening to Hari Katha? Are Radha and Krishna...
24-72 Who is Gopishwara Mahadeva?
What is the history of Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math temple in Vrindavan? What are...
24-68 Subjective Evolution
What are the rules for proper harmonization? Are the scientists discovering...
24-71 Taste for Sankirtan
What is the proper mood of sankirtan? What is the origin of the word...
24-67 How to Practice and Achieve Sharanagati
What is sharanagati? Can we surrender to impersonal energy? Can yogis and...
24-66 Explanation of the Sudha Bhakata Song
Who is Indira? What are the meanings of some of the names of Srimati...
24-65 Amazing Absolute Truth
What is the connection between acintya bhedabed principle and quantum physics?...
24-64 Mind – Friend or Enemy?
What to do if we cannot fully focus on Krishna? What different realizations of...
24-63 Benefits of Following Ekadashi Vrata
What is the meaning of following ekadashi? How did Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu...
24-58 Glories of Ramananda-samvad
How is possible, that the glories of Krishna´s devotees are unlimited? Who was...
24-57 How to See God?
What does it mean to have enlightened faith? How to feel the presence of the...
24-56 Benefits of Krishna Cosnciousness
What is Maharaja´s relationship towards Sri Sri Radha Govinda Gaudiya Math in...
24-55 Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis
What Srila Sridhar Maharaj exactly meant, when he spoke about thesis,...
24-54 How to recognize Krishna´s Intervention?
How to distinguish between divine arrangement in our lives and when something...
24-53 Ecstasy in Gambhira
Why is Lord Chaitanya golden? What is the innermost meaning of the name of...
24-52 Navada Bhakti
What is the proper mindset for engaging in sravanam kirtanam? What is the...
24-51 Where Does the Soul Come From?
From where we came from? We do not come from the spiritual world, because...
24-50 Meaning of Mahamantra According to Srila Sridhar Maharaj
What is the meaning of every word of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra? What is the...
24-49 Lord Nrsimhadeva – Protector of Devotees
Why do devotees worship fierceful form of Sri Nrsingadeva? What are two sides...
24-48 Seeing Everything in Krishna Consciousness
Can we sing or chant some other holy names, apart from Mahamantra? How to live...